Sree Narayana College, Cherthala




The Department of Zoology, established in the year 1964, is one among the oldest departments of the college. The subject was introduced as a graduate course for Bachelor of Science students in the year 1970. The department was sanctioned a Postgraduate course with specialization in Fish Biology and Fisheries in the year 1983. The department was upgraded as a research department under University of Kerala in 2007. The department has seen the rising sun for over fifty years. It has nurtured the glories of its legendary past and at the same time inducted fresh life into itself. The department is supported by central government schemes viz. DST-FIST and DBT-STAR programmes from the year 2018 and 2020 respectively.

Our Vision:

  • To attain new horizons in teaching and research, shaping into an outstanding department ensuring services to the society.
  • To inculcate the highest values of life, respect for nature and concern for ethical values among the students.
  • To contribute towards betterment of the society through knowledge dissemination.
  • Conduct applied research in the field of zoology for sustainable development.
  • Adopt scientific measures for the conservation of natural ecosystems and biodiversity.

Our Mission:

  • To impart value-based, innovative and skill-oriented teaching to the stakeholders.
  • To carry out innovative research in various fields of zoology with special reference to regional importance.
  • To impart to the students contemporary advancements in life sciences and focus on their overall development.

Apart from regular UG and PG programmes, the department offers Open Course and Certificate Course to the students of other disciplines. The intake of students for the undergraduate course is 24 for each batch and 15 for the post-graduate course. The department has 7 permanent faculty members and 4 research guides. 

The department has ample facilities for teaching and research. The classrooms are equipped with LCD projectors and computers. The department has a library and is proud to have a Zoological Museum enriched over the years by the efforts of faculty members and students. It has a wide collection of specimens of preserved organisms, skulls and bones of vertebrates including human and preserved embryos. The museum also houses various models, charts and slides for facilitating learning more interesting to students. The museum is also open to the public on request. Other facilities include a vermicompost unit for organic waste management and a fish rearing facility to cater to the specialization of the post-graduate course and research department.

Over the years the department has expanded research utilizing funds from various government agencies and has conducted enumerable outreach programmes viz. seminars, training programmes, workshops, competitions, environmental enrichment and energy conservation programmes to benefit the students and the society. 

The department collaborates with various government agencies, national and regional institutes and laboratories to facilitate student and faculty training and internships, conduct awareness programmes and outreach activities.

Students of the department have excelled in university examinations and various competitive examinations and a good proportion advance to higher education every year. Many have occupied important positions in the academic and administrative arena right from its inception. 

The department has a student association named SNOZYS to coordinate all the academic and cocurricular activities.  SNOZYS alumni association also functions actively by delivering invited lectures, sharing experiences and awarding endowments to meritorious students.

Faculty List – Department of Zoology

Designation: Associate Professor & Head
Qualification: M.Sc, B.Ed, M.Phil, PhD
2.Name:Dr.Sreejamole K.L
Designation: Associate Professor
Qualification: M.Sc, NET, PhD
3.Name:Dr. Sangeetha P M
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc, M.Phil, PhD
Phone: 9496113958
4.Name:Dr. Dhanya Sethunarayanan
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc, M.Phil, NET, PhD
5.Name: Smt. P.S Vidya
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc, M.Phil
6. Name: Dr. Bindu. O
Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.Sc, B.Ed, M.Phil, PhD
7. Name: Stephy Rose K.V.
Designation: Assistant Professor On Contract
Qualification: M.Sc, CSIR-NET
8. Name: Deepa A.D.
Designation: Assistant Professor On Contract
Qualification:  MSc B. Ed SET
Phone: 9526470635