Student Support
Students’ Union
Every year the students democratically elect the student union which through its various programmes works for the students welfare. The students elect their class representatives and then the representatives elect the union office bearers. The College Union office bearers are: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, General Secretary, Treasurer, Arts Club Secretary. The union election is conducted in the parliamentary system, which allows the students to get used to the democratic system of our country, and gives exposure to the political system. The union also helps to identify students with leadership qualities.
The student representatives also elect two University Union Councillors who represent the College students in the Kerala University Students’ Union. The major activities of the union include organizing debates, discussions and talks on relevant issues involving local leaders, artists and people from the literary field. The union conducts Arts fests that give opportunities to students to express their talents, and the College Day. Staff Advisor and other faculty members assist students in conducting the competitions. College union receives funds for its various programmes from the donations from the students and faculty as well as from the PTA.