Student Support
Science Club
The Science Club, Sree Narayana College, Cherthala, serves as a forum for promoting scientific temper among students and staff of the college. The club is focussing on organising many activities in association with various science departments. In the last year, the club has served as a platform for conducting exhibitions in which various science departments participated. The students of nearby colleges also got opportunities to attend the exhibition. The students of the college received much appreciation for their exhibition items, which included working and still models. The club receives support from Kerala Sasthra Sahithya Parishath, who are the forefront in popularising science in Kerala. Every year, the club takes a keen interest in commemorating the National Science Day. Many competitions and seminars are conducted in connection with it. The club members are very active to coordinate different programmes through the support of various funding bodies including All Kerala Physics Teachers, The Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (KSCSTE) and DBT-STAR.
Dr. Savitha N (Physics) – Coordinator
Dr. Sreejamol K. L.(Zoology) – Member
Dr. Remya Remanan (Physics) – Member
Dr. Gopakumar Ramakrishnan(Physics) – Member
Shaija P B (Chemistry)- Member
Dr. Bindu O.(Zoology) – Member