Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan - RUSA
National Higher Education Mission (Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan–RUSA) is a newly adopted educational policy for improvement of Higher education in India. RUSA, a federally funded program, recognizes that life’s most essential skills are sometimes taught beyond the four walls of the classroom. The main objectives of RUSA are : 1. To create a supportive administrative framework for organizing and supervising at the state level, promote autonomy in state Universities and improve administration in organizations to welcome revolutionary changes in the state higher education system. 2. To address regional gaps in access to higher education by establishing Universities in rural and underserved communities. 3. To promote equality in higher education by offering enough chances for higher education to SC/STs and other socially and educationally disadvantaged groups. 4. To encourage the participation of women, minorities, and differently-abled people. 5. To enhance the overall performance of state institutions by guaranteeing compliance with established principles and regulations and implementing accreditation as a mandated quality assurance system.
RUSA provides the state higher education institutes with calculated funding. This funding is norm-based and outcome-based. The fund is divided in the ratio of 90:10 for special category states, 60:40 for the general category states, and 100% for the union territories. Before reaching the eligible institutions, the funds need to be passed from the central ministry through state governments and union territories to the state higher education council. State Higher Education Plans describing each state’s strategy for addressing the excellence in higher education and issues of equity would be used to determine how much money each state would receive.
A total amount of rupees two crores is allotted for construction (1 crore), renovation (60 lakhs) and purchase (40 lakhs) to our college. The construction of a new multi-disciplinary research block to meet the critical infrastructure to improve the academic quality of the college as a research centre is going on. The seven major renovation activities such as repair and flooring of the classrooms in the main block, convertion of some existing classrooms to smart classrooms, installation of solar power system, digitalization of existing library, repair and maintenance of computers and accessories, renovation of toilets in staffrooms and renovation of common toilet for girl students were almost completed. The purchase of sports and laboratory equipments, computer, books, journals and e-resources has to be carried out without much delay.
RUSA Board of Governors
Dr.G Jayadevan Treasurer, Sree Narayana Trusts, Kollam
Dr. P.N Shaji Principal
Prof. K Sasikumar Former Principal, S.N College, Kollam
Sri.T Anirudhan Rtd. Chief Engineer, KSEB
Prof.P.C Anilkumar Rtd.Prof. Dept. of Physics, S.N College, Cherthala
Smt.Neena K Rtd.Prof. Dept. of English, S.N College, Cherthala
Dr. C.Ajayakumar Rtd.Prof. Dept. of Economics, S.N College, Cherthala
Dr. E.K Bhass HOD, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sree Budha College of
Engineering, Nooranad, Alappuzha
Sri.P.K Dhanesan Civil Contractor
Dr.Sreeja Krishnan RUSA Co-ordinator
RUSA Project Monitoring Committee
Dr. P.N Shaji Principal
Dr. I. G. Shibi Member Technical Support Group, RUSA
Dr. Tommy John Member Technical Support Group, RUSA
Dr.Sreeja Krishnan Institutional Level Coordinator, RUSA
Dr.Dhanya Sethunarayanan Purchase
Sri. Bipin Kumar V Renovation
Sri. Vinod Jacob Construction
Mr. Benny C.C Superintendent
Mr. Sach M Head Accountant
Chairperson College Union