About Us
Code Of Conduct
- Every student is expected to be decent, cultured, polished and pleasing in his words and deeds inside and outside the College premises.
- Students are expected to be courteous in word and deed. They must greet their teachers respectfully when they meet them.
- Students are required to be neat and tidy in dress and person.
- Students should handle the College properties with care. They are expected to do whatever they can to protect and promote beauty, charm and dignity of the campus. Any damage done to the college property will have to be made good by the students themselves or else a fine will be levied from them.
- Students should not write, carve, paint or do anything that will disfigure any part of the College building, walls, furniture, College premises including com- pound walls.
- Students shall take their seat in the class room as soon the first bell is given. They shall rise when the teacher enters the class room and remain standing till he/she takes his/her seat and directs them to sit down. Students should keep with them the required text books or note book(s) for the classes they attend.
- No student will be allowed to enter or leave the classroom when the session is going on without the permission of teacher.
- Students shall not roam about on verandas, corridors or inside the campus during working hours or do anything which will cause disturbance to the classes during working hours.
- No notice, petitions etc. of any kind shall be circulated among students for publicity without the written permission of the Principal.
- Students are strictly prohibited from holding meetings or functions of any kind or collecting any fund without the prior permission of the Principal.
- Political activism is strictly banned on the campus. Students are forbidden to organize or attend meetings other than the official ones. Students who engage in any such activity which may cause disruption to classes or disturbance on the College campus are liable to be dismissed from the College.
- Students shall not take active part in political agitations against the Govern- ment or Management.
- Students on strike are strictly prohibited from entering the verandas /class rooms or shouting slogans inside the campus.
- All strikes, demonstrations, agitations, dharnas, hartals and the like are banned on the College campus. Students who violate this rule shall be dismissed summarily.
- Smoking, chewing, snuffing and other unwholesome practices are strictly prohibited on the campus/premises.
- Irregular attendance, insubordination to teachers and staff, indifference in class, habitual mischief-making, obscenity in deeds or words are sufficient reasons for suspension or dismissal of a student from the College.
- Minor offenses are punishable with fine.
- Malpractices in University Examinations and other examinations will be severely dealt with.
- Any genuine grievance of students may be brought to the notice of the Principal through the group tutor or through the Grievance Redressal Cell.
- The Principal is the final authority in the interpretation of the College bylaws and he reserves the right to frame and enforce rules governing the conduct of students in the class rooms and on the College campus.
- All students admitted to the College should keep their Identity Cards issued by the College authority. The students should produce their Identity Cards when the teaching/administrative or other staff members demand it.
- Mobile phones are strictly banned for students on the College campus. Any student who violates this rule will be fined a sum of Rs. 500/- and the amount should be paid to the account of KRIPA.
Morning Prayer and Class Hours
Classes begin in the morning at 9.45 am with the reverential rendering of the ‘Daiva Dasakam’ (Prayer of Humanity), the song composed by Sree Narayana Guru. Staff and students are to stand up and observe silence during its soothing and melodious rendering, followed by National Anthem to evoke the spirit of patriotism.
- There are five working days in a week.The College works under the full day system with two sessions.
- Every working day will have two sessions. The morning session is from 9.45 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. and the afternoon session is from 1.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. The morning session is divided in to 3 periods and the afternoon session into 2 periods each of one hour duration. In between the two sessions there is a noon interval of 45 minutes from 12.45 pm to 1.30 pm. (College timing may change according to the rules of the Government).
- Students should be in their seats right from the beginning of each class. They should not leave the class without the permission of the teacher. Latecomers shall not enter the class without the permission of the teacher. No student shall loiter on the campus or veranda during class hours.
- Leave of absence for a period or portion may be obtained from the teacher concerned. Leave for a day or more shall be obtained in advance from the Principal by written application in the prescribed form. The Principal reserves the right to reject or grant leave.
- A student absenting himself for a period of five continuous working days whether with or without leave application, should on his return report before the Principal.
- Application for leave should be counter-signed by the Parent and recommended by the Tutor or the Teacher in-charge or the Head of the Department.
- Unauthorised absence for 10 or more working days at a stretch is sufficient ground for the removal of the student from the rolls. Re-admission which is a discretion of the Principal, requires payment of a fee of Rs-50/- and any other fees due so far.
- A minimum attendance of 75% of the total working days of the semester is required for promotion and for admission to University Examination. Shortage of attendance for more than 20 days will be condoned by the Principal only if he is fully satisfied with the completion of all the formalities connected with it .No application for exemption will be recommended by the Principal unless he is satisfied that the shortage of attendance was caused by reasons beyond the control of the student and that leave was duly applied for and was availed of during the period of absence.
- Duty Leave for Physical Education activities will be granted only to athletes representing the College or University in various matches, tournaments and sports events. Such students should submit their leave applications duly recommended by the Director of Physical Education not later than one week after the event. The maximum period for which duty leave can be granted to a student for sports is 10% of the total number of working days.
- There is no provision entitling the student to claim Duty Leave for College Union activities.